Thursday 26 January 2012

So over the past 6 years, my daughter has collected hair stuff and more hair stuff and more hair stuff, some was more babysh now, and I was getting tired of the cluttered bathroom drawer and never finding two barrets that matched, so this little system evolved out of shear necessity. 
So far it has been working and she can access her things so much quicker than before.  She has kept it neat for about 5 months and that is a record!  We first had to pare down the things that were old, broken, or not loved anymore, then figure out how many categories we'd need then pull it all together.
I just picked these cute little beige and brown seperation sets at dollarama for 2 dollars each.  In the back she keeps bigger stuff like head bands. 

So over 10 days of Christmas holidays and hanging out alot in the house this winter I decided it was high time I get to sort of system for all those magazines that I kept tripping on and finding in every corner of the house.  The situation was getting so overwhelming and frustrating and I was ready to just throw them all away.   But the sad thing was that I hadn't had time to read them yet!  I realized that even though I have a great little book nook window reading bench upstairs, I really liked the main floor living room best for reading and that's often where the magazines ended up hanging out anyway.  So off to IKEA I went and found this little shelf and some boxes and finally I had a solution that worked for me and for the whole family.  I can honestly say we spend alot more time in the living room now that there are things to read there for each of us.  I just made simple tags and labelled them for each type of magazine.  While I was at it I thought it would be a good to add in a spot for Library books and so we hung a tag there to help us all remember their home while they are in our care.  This has kept us from losing any and from them being spread all over the house.    Finally I added in a file box for seek and find books and a basket on the bottom for "our kids books" that slowly make their way down from upstairs. 
I have to say this system has been working now for a whole month and it has improved our family time in the living room immensely. 

Monday 23 January 2012

We love Pinterest!!!

So tomorrow nght we are starting our first vision board night of 2012.  It was all inspired by a book Carm s reading about getting organized.  So little words, and pictures , put together on a poster board will help us see the big picture of our lives and set some goals for this year. 
If you wantt o do this to, join us! and comment how your organizing/ visioning is going too!
We will post our vision boards here!
We have to mention also our passion for Pinterest!!! what a cool site for gettng amazing ideas for all areas of life.
We are gonna post cool ways to help you get organized on this blog too as we journey in 2012 in getting our lives on track!
Please feel free to add your own cool ideas too!
Tracy and Carmen